• KENYA +254707825791 ETHIOPIA +2519225522195 SWEDEN +46704101490 UK +447957728662

Learn About Who We Are

Haan was initially in Ethiopia as a development consultancy firm to assist in the process of economic growth and poverty reduction, particularly in Horn of Africa .We subsequently opened further offices in this region Nairobi,  Juba, Mogadishu and Kampala in the following year. In 2003 we branched out by establishing offices in London and Stockholm to manage our work in Europe

Today  we provide international programme management and technical expertise across a broad range of services in the social sector.Our services include a comprehensive and integrated portfolio of expertise structured around several specialists areas on which we have established a strong international reputation


  • Humanitarian programs
  • Health, Education, water and social service delivery
  • Conflict, government and accountability
  • Social protection ,social exclusion
  • Civil society development, project management, socio-economic impact research

We have wide experienced team of expert which delivers highest quality technical supports

  • Call anytime

    +254707825791 Kenya, +2519225522195 Ethiopia, +46704101490, Sweden, +447957728662 UK

  • Email Address

    info@haanconsultant.com, farah.samed@haanconsultant.com

  • Office Location

    Yala Tower 4th Floor : Nairobi Town Centre Kenya
    P.O Box 6176-00200 Nairobi Kenya
    15 St.George House,Charlotte Despard Avenue.London,UK